Thursday, January 11, 2018

Observing Information Security Awareness Month - August 2017

Subject: Observing Information Security Awareness Month - August 2017
To: Canara bank <>


Knowing the Threat is the first step to Fight it Right.

Dear Valued Customer,

Protecting your sensitive personal and financial information and safeguarding you from cyber attacks is our primary concern.

Please Do Remember the following to guard against a variety of Online/Cyber attacks:

·         Canara Bank never seeks personal/sensitive information such as PIN / Password / CVV / OTP / Account number / Card Number / User-Id etc or any other confidential information through E-mail/SMS/Phone calls/Web pages through links provided in Emails

·         We never ask you to keep your  mobiles switched off temporarily

·         Beware of such fraudulent Mails/calls or messages and never share your personal confidential information.

·         Report immediately of any E-mail/SMS/Call that are suspicious in nature. Please report such fraudulent incidents immediately to the nearest Branch of Canara bank or through Customer Care Number/Bank's mail given below.

·         If you have ever parted with any of your confidential data/user credentials/financial data, note to immediately change the passwords or inform the nearest branch or use Toll Free Numbers given below and get your Card or Net banking blocked or deactivated to avoid/reduce losses due to compromise of your account by fraudsters.


Security Tips for your Cyber Safety:

·         Never respond to E-mail /SMS/ or click links provided there-in, requiring to reveal or provide User ID/passwords/card numbers/account numbers etc for any reasons like verification/ update/renewal etc

·         Type address in address bar to access the Bank's official websites and do not use any links from other web pages or email links.

·         Never enter login or other sensitive information in any "Pop-up" window.

·         Always check for the last login time and date from post login page.

·         Regularly update the computer or laptop protection with antivirus software, spyware filters, e-mail filters and firewall programs.

·         Use M-serve mobile application provided by Bank to keep Debit/Credit cards deactivated mode temporarily when not in use

·         Do not keep mobile switched off while debit/credit cards are in active mode.

If mobile or SIM is lost, ensure that your Card/net banking facilities deactivated temporarily.

Last but not the least, check your account transactions/balances regularly.





Helpline: 1800-425-0018 Email:


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