Thursday, July 16, 2009

Use of Aavarike ( Cassia auriculata) in Diabetes Mellitus

Use of Aavarike ( Cassia auriculata) in Diabetes Mellitus
Dr. T M Shivanandaiah, AV LAM&S (Mys)

Prakash Pharmaceuticals



  • Cassia auriculata Linn
  • Family: Caesalpiniaceae
  • Habitat : Wild in Dry regions of Madhya Pradesh/Tamil Nadu and Rajasthan and few parts of Karnataka
Name in other languages:

Kannada : Thangadi gida ( Avarike)

Tamil : Aavaarai ,Telugu : Thangeedu

Mode of use:

Panchanga Churna :

Equal quantities of roots,leaves, flowers, fruits and bark of the plant and have them dried in the sun

Grind them into fine powder and have it sifted through fine cloth.

It is turned into tablet form.

A balanced multi action formula with scientifically proven herbs for their known action on Diabetes Mellitus in type-I and type-II. It helps in regulating Blood Glucose, optimises, and maintains body's normal Immune system; the combination of Diabit Compound Tablets not only controls Urine and Blood Glucose levels but also prevents the complication of Diabetes.

  • It regenerates the beta cells in the pancreas and increases the flow of insulin

Case Report 1:

Shivaramaiah Manjru, Male 70 yrs, History:10 years

Before Treatment :

Insulin consumption :

40 units per day, RBS 210 mgm/100 ml, Urine Sugar 2 %

Treatment with Avarike ( In tablet form as Diabit compound Tab. 2 TDS)

After 90 days : RBS

Blood sugar 168 mgm/100ml, Urine Sugar 1 %

After 180 days :RBS

Blood sugar 165 mgm/100ml, Urine Sugar 1 %

After 275 days :RBS

Blood sugar 155 mgm/100ml, Urine Sugar 0.5 %

Other impovements :

Patient able to attend his normal duties, not feeling exhaustive, no general weakness

Case Report 2:

Sri Bheemaiah, Male,60 Years , History : 15 years

Before Treatment : Urine Sugar 2% Brick Red, FBS 286 Mg%

Complaints of poly urea,poly dipisa, poly neuropathy

After 40 days of Treatment :

FBS 224 Mg%,Urine Sugar 1.5 %

After 80 days of Treatment :

FBS 133 Mg% , Urine Sugar 0.5%

Treatment given :

2 Teaspoon full of Avarike powder, 3 times daily.

Improved in Polyurea, Polydipsia in 15 days treatment.

Previously the patient was not feeling the heat while taking hotwater bath. After 15 days of treatment he was in a position to feel the heat and improved healthy all round.

Case Report 3:
  • Venkatagiri, Male 60 years, History: 8 years
  • Before treatment :
  • FBS 320/dl Urine sugar 3 %
  • Complaints : Unable to attend his duties, even though on 2 CC insulin daily. (80 units)
  • Treatment given : Avarike compound treatment.
  • After 2 weeks:
  • His clinical picture improved. i,e, pain in the groin reduced, pricking pain in the thighs reduced,thirst also reduced. Used to get good sleep in the night. He was able to read without glasses.Itching all over the body has reduced.
  • After 3 months of treatment:
  • FBS 223 mg/dl, Albumin 1+ , Urine sugar 1.5 %

  • Swelling in the extremities and on abdomen reduced. General health improved. Able to walk 1 to 2 Kms
  • Night urination reduced in just two weeks of treatment
  • It reduces body heat i,e improvement observed in burning feet syndrome.
  • Polyneuropathy reduces in two weeks
  • Retinopathy reduces within two to three weeks.

  • Because of its good healing effects it regenerates the beta cell of islets of langerhans and increases flow of insulin

  • It acts on the liver by improving the metabolic conversion of fatty acids, synthesis of cholesterol, phospholipids, and tri glycerides and glucose metabolism in diabetic liver.

In cases of early diabetics it gives more encouraging results because of its anti-diabetic and fat reducing activity.


Cassia articulata can be used without fear. It controls blood sugar and urine sugar.

It maintains normo glycemic state even after discontinuing the drug for six months to one year in few cases.

It can avoid complications by using Ayurvedic anti diabetic drug. It can be used in obese diabetes as it has got action on anti hyperlipidemic in addition to anti-diabetic activity.

It maintains physical, mental and sexual well being.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks for the info. Even though we are making a way to cure diabetes, it is better if we still try have a test like using ELISA kits. These will really help you.

Diabetes and complications of the sole

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